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The Dog Poop Initiative

The Dog Poop Initiative

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Grades 1+

by ​Kirk A. Weisler

This book was inspired by an event that took place in the summer of my life as a soccer coach and dad. My family and I showed up to the soccer field where my five-year-old son was going to play, and as the two previous teams finished up. As our boys gathered, some helpful parents from the already playing teams pointed out a large pile of Dog Poop on the field, and warned us to point it out to our boys. A few moments later, the coaches of the departing teams also pointed out the poop, and gave us the same admonition. Next came the referees assigned to the field for the evening, who told us the same thing!

After this third warning, my son’s other coach and I looked at each other and, without saying a word, turned and went to separate trash cans on the field in search of something we could use to scoop up the poop. We found a large piece of cardboard, and had it cleaned off the field in less than a minute.
I still remember some of the dumbfounded and bewildered expressions of the "Adults" who had so helpfully pointed it out but who, apparently, had never considered actually cleaning it up! As I viewed all the parents that lined the field, and pondered all the parents and coaches who had been there throughout the day - each one dutifully and diligently passing along the "Poop Warning" - I marveled that NONE had taken the initiative to clean it UP! What an opportunity to teach, by example, the important principles of service, teamwork, selflessness, and INITIATIVE.

In my mind’s eye I could envision each of these adults ten to fifteen years in the future, lamenting how their own teenagers don’t take initiative nor even understand what it is! Sadly, I would guess that even then, it will not occur to these "pointing parents" that a large portion of what their teenagers don’t do is a direct result of never having seen their parents do it. My rough calculations put the estimate at a potential 220 plus Adult Poop Pointers - and only 2 Poop Scoopers! With the Initiative Bar so low, those of us who are willing to take it end up looking like high jumpers. But what an opportunity to show our children how they, too, can effect change by taking initiative!

As I relayed this story to colleagues and friends, I found that a tremendous amount of people are just as upset, or more so, as I am with the lack of initiative in society. The ever-growing mindset of "It,s not my job," or "Someone else will do it," plays itself out all too often in myriads of ways that impact each of us on a daily basis. The response to the story was so strong that I included it in my next few
speaking engagements. Some people even told of using the story in staff meetings. All that led to final publication of The Dog Poop Initiative. I hope you enjoy it!

Age K+
Paperback:​ 24 pages
Publisher:​ Team Dynamics, Inc; Fifth edition
Package Dimensions: ​9.5 x 8 x 0.2 inches

About the Author -
Chief Morale Officer, Kirk Weisler gained national recognition while working in the, high turnover, low pay, low morale world of outsourced contact centers. It was there that he created for himself the title, Chief Morale Officer, and then helped to create an outrageously cool corporate culture. The measurable results of that cultural creation were so dramatic that Kirk was invited to share them, first nationally, then internationally. He now travels around the world giving experiential keynotes on the everyday things leaders can do to positively influence climate and build great cultures for themselves and their people. Besides being an expert in the area of culture Kirk​s unique background as a US Army Ranger, his work with At-Risk Youth and experience as a Master Team Builder make him a very fun, engaging, and sought after speaker. his personal mission to help leaders increase engagement, morale, motivation, build GREAT CULTURE. The Book you are about to purchase is a wonderful reflection of his unique and highly creative approach to making our the world of work a better place to play and score real goals, and get real results!




Paperback – Large Print, March 28, 2005



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