About Us

Bright Child Books is a small, locally owned consulting and book business based out of Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in finding and selling books that support gifted and creative learners, their families and educators. In addition to finding, and also writing many of our books, we work with authors and other professionals to provide educational consulting to schools, school districts, and parents across the country. Gifted learners are unique and it is our passion to support them and the adults in their lives.

Founded by Adam Laningham, and in partnership with family and friends, Bright Child AZ works to bring creativity and support of gifted learners to as many parents, teachers, and schools as we can. Our team consists of internationally known authors, psychologists, expert teachers, and administrators. 

  Contact us at - adam@brightchildbooks.com

Adam C. Laningham


Adam Laningham is the author of several books and has over 20 years of experience in the field of education. Adam was recognized as the Arizona Gifted Teacher of the Year, he has taught at several schools in multiple grade levels, created and facilitated numerous gifted programs, and served as a district manager coordinating programs for over 6,000 gifted students.

Adam is the founder and owner of Bright Child Books, The Gifted Collective, and Gifted Microschool. He is also an international speaker, consultant, the current President of Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted, a member of AAGT’s Advisory Council, a founding member of Callisto (supporting gifted foster youth), and an advisor for CogAT Riverside Insights.


Adam's Articles, Publications, & Podcasts 







How to Ensure Twice-exceptional Students Don't Slip Through the Cracks


The Testing Psychologist


Identifying and Supporting Gifted Children 

Radio Presentation

Adam Laningham had a great chat with Dr. Gregory Williams on the Breaking the Silence Radio & Podcast. (March 20th 2022). We discussed the importance of gifted education, some of the affects trauma has on our gifted young people, and other topics .




Best Practices for Gifted Placement & Programming 



Why use the CogAT




The Importance of Summer Learning




Staying Strong During the Pandemic 


Proud members and supporters of:



Adam is the current President






Bright Child AZ is Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented's Official Bookstore! 








We are a small, local independent business, and we know we cannot always compete with giants such as Walmart and Amazon for price. We, however, do our best for what is right for our community. In doing so, we...

  • Look to support other small or independent businesses
  • Support Gifted Associations across the country 
  • Print our own books, and favor others, printed in the USA
  • Try to reuse and recycle packaging and materials whenever possible
  • Print marketing materials from union print shops or print shops that support local education organizations
  • Support non-discrimination initiatives such as signing the Open AZ Unity Pledge:

